1) Marriage is weird. I'm a wife now you know. It's like a whole new identity, made very real by an actual name change.
2) Marriage provides your life with answers. And in many many ways, that's the best part. You've made a decision. You're sticking to it. I mean, I had a big fokkin' party right? I must be serious...
3) Marriage changes the psychology just a bit. Now, when your beloved irks you one day, instead of thinking 'psh I can leave if I want to!'; instead, you think 'Omg, I signed on for this FOREVER?!' (Of course, Dave and I are so madly in love that we, heavens no, never ever have those thoughts, golly gee no...)
4) The commitment of marriage is either really romantic or tragic. And you never really know which one it is until its end. You either stay happily-ever-after until death (in this case it's romantic) or you divorce (there's the tragic one). Unless, of course, you and your hubby die in a plane wreck together and they find your charred bodies intertwined together holding hands, in which case, that's tragic AND romantic. But I digress...
It's funny how we are all different. YOu clearly love the idea of being married. I had no idea till I did it how much I would hate it. It wasn't that anything had changed with regard to person I was in love with. But within a week of getting married I knew it was a mistake. I felt like part of me had been ripped away. It wasn't him or me or anyone really - just that realisation that you just had. And it did not suit me one bit.
I sometimes wonder whether we might have stayed together rather longer if we hadn't got married.
Did laugh at your final line!!!
Yes I do love being married! BUT I totally agree with you! I can see how marriage might actually CAUSE breakups just by its very nature. Us we humans don't like to know what the ending is, and by marriage, we've pretty much decided on it. I think it messes with people's heads a bit. And identity-wise it just changes the landscape right?
I think what helped our transition, is that we were together for almost 8 years before we got altered at the altar. I consider that our private insurance! If we hadn't of done that, I think for me personally, it would of freaked me out too much!
I love being married to my guy. He let's me be me and I let him do what he does. I was married before so I knew what I didn't like but he makes it so easy to be married to him. I was pretty gun shy and would have been happy cohabitating. I laugh at my old wedding video. Talk about the deer caught in the headlights look on my face.
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