A swirling swarm of ideas start to clutter my brain. As I type a page, I think of other themes and plots. Ones that are far superior to my current one. And it hinders me. Makes me want to spit on my screen.
But I know better now. I've read that on your first book, you just gotta plow through, and get to the other side. Don't worry about editing or outlining. Just go. Once you get the the end you can sculpt it. Don't let the size overwhelm you. Of course there's an equal number of advice sites advising just the opposite. But hey. I just pick and choose what rings right.
So what I normally do, is start over. I leave my 15 pages in an abandoned virtual folder somewhere. I take a different idea, and write away. UNTIL I get to about the same place, then I abandon yet again. Rinse, repeat.
This time. This year. It's going to be different. Sucks or no sucks, I'm going after the epilogue.
But I'm just saying, I hate it. I hate the whole thing.
Just keep typing, just keep telling the story, shape later! Remember if it was easy everyone would do it. However those other little ideas that are calling you? Keep an idea journal for yourself so you don't lose them for a future story. I know, I know you probably ARE doing exactly this already but I am just trying to show my support!
lol! I am not keeping tabs on the ideas actually. I need to, especially if I'm serious. I was even thinking of just making sure I do one-page-a-day for this one, but starting another one too ;-)at the same time.
I recommend zen like focus. Think of those other ideas like bad energy trying to throw you off your path of finishing what you started. Just like all those naysayers who follow you around and tell you you'll never accomplish your dreams! Who needs that crap!? Block them out, focus on your idea and keep writing turning it into a cohesive unit. There is no better or best, just you, your idea, and your keyboard.
I guarentee, you come out on the other side with a close to finished product, and you'll feel damn proud of yourself no matter what the subject.
Ur right tho, just keep reminding myself...trust the process trust the process TRUST THE PROCESS!!!!!
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