Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 22 - City in the Wire

I surfed the blogosphere for a long while today; I just kinda of swam from one brightly lit site to the other. The words ran together, and the voices were sometimes similar, sometimes distinct. What are we all doing here, I thought.

Our voices crescendo together in this busy makeshift city. We chatter and describe. We share little bitty pieces of our lives, or we own up to what pieces we have left after being broken. 'I own this square space in the world's imagination,' we say. And we prove it by staking domains.

The world has changed. A whole new landscape is defined by our modems. We communicate unfathomably fast and furious; each voice is a unique sound in the overall opera of life. And we each have access to a microphone.

It's beautiful and overwhelming. Loud and truthful (even in its untruths).

As for what it all means, I (we) don't pretend to understand.

BUT today I searched for voices that moved me; I'm on the lookout for virtual friends. If anyone knows of any blog I might revel in, please link me. I'm o.k. with this solicitation.

All in all. I know. I need to leave words here. For others to gather and perhaps remember. Perhaps to forget. For now, I'm write here.

...And she runs head-long into the heaving crowd.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would join - you can friend me and I think you will some thoughtful blogs.

spare a girl some clicks?

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