I want to write something right today, something beautiful and pretty. Succinct and smart. But I had a long day running around the store today, chasing customers through aisles, learning the colors the codes the buttons the tricks the signs the dotted lines. I discuss frame/brush/color with herandhimandthem. Backandforth we go. And the day goes by...bye...
I feel blessed that I enjoy my co-workers (and superiors too), their funny funky company, their job guidances and advice. In the past, I've worked places (cubicles) where I cringe to hear certain voices, where I have to counsel my face through conversations...straining to keep my voice measured...trying to temper the sharp look of disdain on my face. I frequently failed and felt fake and I knew it. Shouldn't that have been enough to quit?
(Side note: No job is worth that numb soul! Seriously, i know people say that and you "get" it, but Listen Really Listen: If you're miserable, it mostly means you're not supposed to be there. Act accordingly. Well first, figure out if it's YOU or the job. If it's you, then fix you. If it's the job, then run.)
I'm happy to say I'm happy in the NOW. Gawd knows where I'm going though, i don't know i don't know i don't know. But that's really the point of all this huh. Staying present and genuine.
Even the customers (mostly) don't wreck me. What really kills me is my shoes. They funk up my arches and my soles and my heels and my knees, and because of them, rickets might make a comeback. As D, my colleague, chastises, "You need new shoes." He throws away my favorite ballet slippers with one sidelong glance.
But I'm home now. Battered feet elevated. Bottle of wine uncorked. I sit here with gawdknowshowmany of my friends and family (let me have my imaginary party allright?). It's a moment of joy. Lap-top in the lap. Blog all blogged. Nothing said yet. But there's words here aren't there?
I want to know about your jobs... What sucked about your sucky ones? What rocked about your super ones? What'd you learn about YOU? Your hopes your dreams your nopes and don'ts?
I agree- unless you are happy- then work becomes work- and THAT is NO FUN! Love what you do, become what you are and laugh along the way. LOL!
your cubicle ridden sister:)
true that! guess ur just going to have to have another baby and ditch the desk ;-)
I wouldn't know where to begin...I have worked at so many different places, sometimes for years, most of time for just months. I have worn so many hats, but mostly ones that say "you aren't worth much to us". I always remember that I am replaceable and I am not in charge. I just do my best and change jobs when I am whiny enough that it even annoys me.
A job? What's that? Oh, you mean OUTSIDE the home. I have no time for that...LOL!
I'm glad you like your job babe, cause I've decided to be a stay at home husband...see if you can pick up some more hours.
LOL! hmmm...i don't like it THAT much, plus, we'd have to move to a garbage bin if we lived on my salary ;-0
and that's just diiiirty....
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