I'm back. I left. I know. Oh You, so much has changed...
I'm pregnant. How much bigger news can I give you? My little future me, but not at all me, is alive in me. It's 10.5 weeks old. 10.5 weeks old! omg omg omg omg omg omg...it's kinda sorta all I think about. The head track sounds like this: "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, should I eat this? how bout this? wait, what feeling was that? am I showing yet? is everything ok in there? I hope so. I'm pregnant. Omg I'm pregnant. This is weird. Is this real? I'm going to have a baby? Wait, omg, I'm going to have a baby! I'm excited. I'm terrified. Omg omg I'm pregnant."
And then it just kind of repeats itself. All day long. I'm sure stronger/cooler women are not so obsessive, but whatev. I'm 30 years old. I'm not trying to impress my high school friends anymore (ok that's a prolly a lie).
We found the little buggar just days after my "woes-me no-pregnancy blog." I think it pays to cry. I stand by that blog, even though my mom (I love you mom) might whisper, "I told you so..."
I believe those frustrations are very common to those trying-to-conceive. I send baby dust and love, lots and lots of love, to everyone with family dreams they are trying to fulfill. Whether it takes 3 months or 3 years, it's hard and it's heavy and it breaks the heart--month after month after month.
I also quit my job! Retail was the pits for me, excepting the peeps I worked with. It didn't make much sense to be gone for as long as I was and bring in as little as I did. I thank the sweet heavens my husband agrees. So now I got this whole new journey in front of me. I plan to use this time wisely, before I meet the little dude. I've been writing all day almost every day. It's bliss.
I apologize this whole blog is so update-y. I promise to get back to better writing as I come here more often. After being away for awhile and then reading up on those blogs, I realize how much I miss it! How cathartic it is. Now I'm refreshed, I'm renewed, I'm ready for baby bloggin ;-)! (I think I'm kidding when I say that...)
Anyway, here's my first belly picture. You can see a bit of a bump there. I'm pretty sure my growing uterus' goal was to get me to forget about the ol' flat tum as quickly as possible. Congrats uterus. You win.
Is it considered lewd to post these? I think when you're pregnant you can get away with all sorts of quasi-porn.
This is fantastic, amazing, wonderful, sweet news.
I am so happy for you all!
Love your head soundtrack. Made me laugh. That's how I would be. I hope the excited outweighs the terrified.
Looking forward to your blogging, even baby blogging!
The pic is adorable, yes pregnant women are allowed!
Oh wow, that's wonderful news! This is so exciting! I only just began following your blog, with all of its beautiful words and I couldn't be more thrilled to read about the journey of pregnancy that you'll be on. Congrats!
Not lewd at all, just beautiful.
Ack! Congrats!
Bring on the baby bloggin!
First of all, I'm bummed that I missed your pregnancy announcement and this is belated but YAY!! Hells to the YAY!! I am so happy for you.
Second of all, dude, if there were ever a reason to take pictures of yourself with no shirt on, pregnancy is the best reason by far. Totally beats out Mardi Gras, which comes in a distant second.
Congrats, congrats, congrats. I am so happy.
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