Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh for the Love of Health

I'm trying hard not to think about things like what silly people say about health care reform. That's about as deep as I can go there without screaming. Don't you know? What are they so afraid of?

Wait. I want to tear my face off. When I have to fight so hard to explain things that make perfect sense to me. Such as 1 + 1 = 2. (I have to start there with people.) I have to tell them that you shouldn't cross the street on a red light. Because it's as basic as that to me. What don't you get?

When I have to fight so hard to explain things that make perfect sense to me. In my (our) America. I want to lay down my guns when I see you screaming, "I don't want you to save me!" I want to stop fighting, because I think, in the long run, who gives a good goddamn? If you don't care about you, then why should I care about you?

When I see how many people aren't listening. When I see how many people are misinterpreting. When I see how many people are full of fear. When I see how many people are armed with propaganda and lies and untruths. When I see how many people are o.k. with that. Those closed fists. Those closed hearts. I think to myself: America is screwed. Oh my god, we are so screwed...

I don't want to fight for 1+1=2; it shouldn't be so hard. Sure, it passed. For that, I'm grateful. But what happens now? When 1+1=2 is open for debate?

I think then about my children. Where will we go? To protect. From you and you and you there too.

Oh America. You have it so good in so many ways. Why are you so dead-set on f**king it up?


Phoenix said...

This is such a complicated, complicated issue. Nothing is simple when it is made into a law that affects everyone.

Hopefully love and listening to the people we disagree with most will lead to better understanding and taking care of each others' needs.

Bethany said...

well said.

spare a girl some clicks?

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