I've taken to binding my breasts, much like the ancient Chinese practice of foot binding. The purpose of this exercise is to stop their out-of-control growth spurned by my current condition of pregnancy, or in other words 'growing a human being inside of my insides.'
Granted, other than the ambitious growth of my upper lady humps, I've been exceptionally lucky in the arduous task of human growing. In these past 11 weeks, nary a mouthful of vomit has projected itself. My moods are smooth as butter. And my belly only really shows when I eat too much pizza. However, do not envy me. I have not been spared.
Almost immediately after the two pink 'you're preggo' lines crawled into our lives, my boobs blew up. Like balloons. I said them, "Girls, stop it, you're getting ahead of yourselves...you have nine months. No need to rush." They were uninterested in my pleas.
This wouldn't be such a tragedy if I began with smaller breasts, say an A or a B cup. Sure, then I would welcome the increased blood flow to meh jugs. But I am a C cup. And not just any old C cup, a perfect C cup. I LOVE my boobs. I'm not joking. When Dave first saw them years ago, he gasped. If it sounds like I'm bragging, it's because I am. (I will share this: my ass is flat. Feel better?)
I didn't always have them. I earned them through prayer. You see, I was a late bloomer. In sixth grade and all the way through middle school, I was breastless. Skinny and big-toothed. The first time I wore a bra to school, Danny W. grabbed the thin rung of fabric under my shirt and snapped it hard against my back, "Why are YOU wearing a BRA?" Everyone laughed.
Or how bout' when I cried at a birthday party attended by atleast twenty of the coolest kids in 7th grade and Aaron S. taunted loudly, "Hey Darcy, did that board come with your shirt?!" Everyone laughed.
And so I turned my pain to God. I made deals like, "if you give me boobs, I'll be good forever." I was earnest and consistent in my prayers. By the end of ninth grade, God delivered. And they were glorious. Not too big, not too small, proportional, and well-shaped. Even Danny W., my former arch nemesis, eventually commented. He said, nodding in the direction of my chest, "Those sure turned out all right." Instead of punching him, I beamed.
So you can imagine my panic when my perfect C's ballooned into D's during the very early weeks of pregnancy. The fear only multiplied when fellow procreaters warned, "It only gets worse." I almost started crying when one of my best friends told me she got her breasts done after her two babies were born because they quote, "looked like cow udders."
I've even heard stories about out-of-control nipple growth. To calm myself down, I consulted my mother, who has a talent for diffusing my fears: "They go back to normal after pregnancy right mom?!" In this case, she merely shrugged (in other words, your boobs might never be the same hon).
So I've turned vigilante; I've started a war with my changing body, in the hopes that I'll stave off any significant change. I figure this too-small sports bra that I'm wearing as a binding mechanism will cut off the blood supply, and my body will just forget about them. Trick my body into circumventing normal pregnancy breast changes. Hey, it worked for the Chinese--just look at their tiny feet!
Let's face it though, my cleavage is borderline lewd. And worse yet, perhaps it's God's inevitable payback. I mean honestly,I haven't really held up my side of the bargain of the "being good forever" breast exchange. Woes me.
I'm gunna just hope and wish and pray that when it's all over, I get my boobs back. It must happen somewhere, to someone. Right?! (Please tell me if this has happened to you. I need real empirical data girls.)
The worst is when people say, trying to console, "But look what you're getting in exchange? A beautiful baby!"
I say, "Oh shove it! You ain't never seen meh boobs."
I think what is nice is that you see it coming! Seriously.
I knew I would gain weight, more stretch marks, but I was a little more surprised about the boobs.
I didn't think about it like you just did (so early), but when he was born...he was never off of them.
I felt this constant 6, 10, 15...now 32 pd kid putting weight on my chest.
As you get bigger, your interest in wearing a normal bra decreases and then nursing bras aren't the same...so I just thought the baby laying on my chest all day and night was no help to me.
I am curious what weight loss will do for the girls.
I guess after almost 3 years, I just don't care and have accepted this new body of my mine.
Plus - I just don't have time to think much about my current hair style, let alone if I think my boobs look floppier than they did 4 years ago :)
Yes, the boobs are only the beginning. Ah, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The mysteries of pregnancy will unfold like a travel map. You will never get it folded back up exactly right again, but you will know where you have been and remember the trip in every little detail.
Congratulations Darcy!
You have willingly given your body over to a parasite. You have no say in the matter.
BUT - Everyone is different. You may well still have very nice boobies after you get your body back.
Oh darling - I really feel it for you. I do.
I've had the kinda reverse of things. I've always hated the size of my boobs. They have been the bane of my life since I was 14. They're huge and I was ridiculed something rotten over them. I'd have done anything for a couple of 'fried eggs'. Even now, I find eyes going towards them in conversations.
Mines were like bazooka's during my three pregnancies! Still, I was a successful breast feeder for all of them. My huge boobs produced loads of milk and my babies slept all night from young ages. That may just have been luck but 3 out of 3 don't come that often!
Here's the comparison bit. I was never blessed with perfect, firm boobs. They were always bouncy and full, but they were never the perfect copies of my teenage mates'. To be honest, they haven't really changed that much despite the years. They're neither firm or badly floppy (certainly not cow udders!) but I'm getting on a bit and gravity ain't no friend!
So I do feel your fear of the fate of your boobs. If I had the money I'd be getting a reduction to the perfect C.
All I can think to say is that I can understand your 'shove it' reply! I'm not shocked at all. I mean you'll spend thousands over the years on the little mite(s), you'd like to think they'd at least leave you with one intact piece of you in return! Which it very well might be. They come at various prices them little miracles do.
But please, please don't continue with the binding. It won't work babes, just add a real discomfort to the various other little ones that may be coming along the way.
I hope you are kidding about the binding love. Very funny writing but not so funny if you are serious. Did you Wikipedi breast binding? Here's part of the entry.... There are many reasons men and women would want to bind:
* As a way to reduce movement after an injury or surgery, to help speed recovery
* To hide breasts or breast development
* For beauty and aesthetics
With women there are additional reasons for binding. Several famous women including Joan of Arc may have used binding to help pass as male in their male-dominated societies, and in the case of Joan of Arc, to be accepted as a soldier.
Some adolescent girls bind their breasts as they enter puberty. This is done usually for reasons of modesty (they do not want others to see them), embarrassment (they do not want others to know they have started developing), or desire to be as they previously were (they do not want to have breasts yet). This has potential risks, as the developing tissue may conform to the restricted shape, resulting in permanent deformity. Breast binding in adolescent girls may be a symptom of body dysmorphic disorder.[1]
It goes on about this but don't risk your future health on a temporary problem. Get a great support bra and keep the damn thing on all the time. Yes even at night so when they shrink and they will eventually shrink... they'll shrink back to a lovely shape instead of a misshapen one! Also your belly will swell to hold the girls up eventually anyway. Lewdness can be fun!!! Love Auntie V
oh- Auntie V you are right on! the spot on advice is get a good bra wuth proper support and keep it on! Seems like I may have heard that said before...hmmm... really Darc, its past time for shopping in the lingerie department! while you are there, get some cute pajamas also to make you feel wonderful! how's the Yoga or Pilates going?
lov u, mome
lol, i LOVE all of your comments girls. AND no, I am not ACTUALLY binding my breasts :-)! I do have a snug sports bra on, but there's definitely blood flow, i promise. and mome, i am doing the yoga/pilates--it's going well--i am optimistic, despite my post, that i will get my boobs close to back to normal ;-) i will make sure to let everyone know what happens. hahahah
I'm glad you said that!
The most amazing read that I have read all month =D
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