O.k., so I've kind of stagnated on this whole 'write a book' thing. I need your advice.
Let's just talk through it...jumbled as it is...perhaps we'll find clarity...
I've always kind of vascillated between writing a book or writing a screenplay. That's kind of the first decision to make. Which medium? I like both. Over the last year, I've been focusing on a book for a few reasons. 1) I figured it'd be easier/quicker to publish than getting a screenplay made and 2) I find it easier to think and write from my own life. For example, in this blog, I write memoir-style. This style is obviously easier in a book form.
But the other day my very thoughtful and supportive Aunt V and Uncle P sent me some computer software that helps the user to structure and write a screenplay. As I browsed the back, it reignited my original dream--tackling the almighty screenplay. Perhaps that's been my speedbump lately; I'm waxing the wrong shoe.
By then, I just get all upset. I think to myself, if I can't even answer this question...then I'm a lost cause. So I shelve it for a a few. And then the yearning again...
O.k., let's say I can really really make a decision, screenplay or book. Well then, there's the next question. Fiction or Non? I like the ease of non-fiction. I feel more authentic. I own the thoughts, I can vouch for their accuracy, I don't have to fake the sequence of events, they just are what they are.
However, I like the depth I can reach with fiction. I can speak deeper, reach truths and heart-aches that I can't even touch using my own life. I can manipulate more and bleed more. There's nothing to protect, it's fiction. But, the downside of fiction is: I've quasi-tried and had a harder time dreaming up a fictional scenario. My mind often draws a blank.
Ok, last one, and here's the big one...What to write ABOUT? I have LOTS of ideas. Of which, I can't really seem to COMMIT to any of them. What would it take to follow through on one?
I keep coming back to one of them...so I should probably go with that, it's just a matter of sculpting it really. My Aunt V gave me a great piece of advice today as well about writing in short story style, validating thoughts I've been pondering.
So, after ALL THAT, there's one more thing. Writing this blog actually takes quite a bit of my writing energy. Do I have the time or energy to write the larger piece as well while writing this blog? I'd like to do both, but can't fathom where the time might come from. Especially since I'm working more than ever lately--almost full-time.
Have I lost you yet? Are you losing your patience with my disjointed ramblings? My frantic thought patterns?
Let's recap:
Screenplay or Book?
Fiction or Non-fiction?
This Idea or That idea?
Help! This dream is important to me. Why? I don't know. Who cares why. It just is. It pesters me and I want to see the end of it so bad. Why doesn't that just carry me through to the conclusion?
P.S. Of course you'll be in the forward ;-)
easy enough.....
screen play
that idea
keep it simple.
I love you but you are sabotaging yourself. Its not book or screenplay, its not fiction or non, its not even blog or this project... its the STORY. Its always the STORY. You need to quit thinking about anything except which STORY calls out to you, needs to be told from your voice. Non fiction isn't interesting if there isn't a great story behind it. Just write a story, the form will come.
In my opinion, you shouldn't feel you have to blog. It's a good exercise to write daily. I try to get it into my day as well, but, at what cost? We all only have so much time in a day and I agree with anonymous. It's time to do something, anything. This blog is a good beginning. Maybe to find your answers, you need to put all of those questions in a hat and pull randomly?
On a slightly different note, your creative problems are similar to mine. Too much pressure to be perfect, maybe? You don't have to publish this piece. You can have the security of tucking it away for yourself until your brilliant plot thumps on you on the head.
This is where I am with visual art. If I have a visual in my head, there may be some mediums it will translate better to, but who cares if it's painted, collaged, photoshopped, or drawn? If I can think of something inspiring, powerful, or just cute...than the medium wouldn't change much about the message. Probably...most of the time. I think this translates to writing.
Are you more caught up in the perfect plot, producing something new and radical, or stunning? Are you so caught up in perfectionism that you can't write now? I know I have done this to myself.
You may like to read the books "Trust the Process" by Shaun McNiff or "The 12 secrets of highly creative women" by Gail McMeekin.
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