Instead, our pre-baby selves couldn't see these things, and only saw 'nice big tub, large windows, lots of light.' We put our deposit down based on "good vibes." Granted, I love this house, its windows, its vibes, being surrounded by hills and pretty landscape. I've painted it and moved furniture around to make it
Dax is insane. My precious little sweetie pie is officially the most active little 11-month-old on the entire planet. He has no sense of caution. He goes for things with all his might, as fast as he can, determined, without care for the fact that he has not the balance nor the strength yet to support his will. This causes lots of little scrapes, and owies, and oh my god, that cry! In playgroups, well-meaning mamas have observed that Dax is:
"very physical."
"really adventurous."
"Quite a handful."
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Dax runcrawling in play area |
And he WANTS. Like really really really WANTS things. For example, I am getting ready and have to do something simple like brush my hair, and Dax sees this from afar and sprintcrawls to me with a crazed look of determination indicating that he would like to see that brush RIGHT NOW!!! And then he starts to claw at my knee, and pull himself up, whine, and pound incessantly on my thigh.
As he starts to cry, I'm wishing my hair wasn't so darn long and I'm thinking "I can't just give this kid everything he whines about." So I hide the comb, and when I do, he sees where I put it and precedes to full on break down into a mental case on the floor. And my hair still isn't brushed. And it's not even noon yet.
This continues all day long for absolutely everything I touch. Of course, sometimes I just give him the things he's aching for because it's easier, and they're safe so whatever. And sometimes I don't. And I never really know if what I'm doing is the right thing or the wrong thing and I think about that all day.
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Dax with brush |
The other day, the worst thing happened and it scared me so bad that yesterday I was having little mini-panic attacks. Dax was playing in a drawer--the designated "safe drawer"--that I've left open so that he can explore, but removed all dangerous things. So there he was standing next to the drawer and then he took a step towards me, but lost his balance (because he forgot that he does not yet know how to walk at all). And he fell. Face forward. Onto the corner of the drawer. The right side of his face. The tender bone by his eye. Hit the corner of that drawer so hard. On impact, it made my entire body ZAP with pain.
After his face hit, he fell to the floor and screamed. Louder than I've ever heard him scream. He hit that drawer right on the corner with his face. Harder than I've ever seen him hit anything. And oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my f**king gosh. Scoop up the boy and try to calm down that SCREAM. He hurt so bad he was kicking me because he didn't know what else to do. It took atleast 10 minutes before it passed.
I called everybody and sent pictures and shook with tears & guilt, while everyone assured me these things will happen. He got a nice big shiner on his eye and I'm pretty sure passerbyers are calling CPS on me.
Now the whole house looks like DANGER to me. Everything, even the walls, that are just sitting there. My little baby boy loves to climb things and throw himself into things and fall down on sharp things and it's freaking me out.
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Dax's first shiner |
Too funny! I was the EXACT same way when our first was little. I was always on safety patrol. Then, #2 came around. And I had more experience. Life happens. There are sharp corners everywhere. They WILL get hurt. Have you seen the movie Babies? After watching that, I realized we, here in the US, like to get obsessed over somewhat silly things. Those African babies are running around naked on dirt that could easily be the same path as a highly venomous snake. And I was worrying my sweet little son might bump into a coffee table. I just figure whatever happens, happens. We can't put them in a plastic bubble, and they have to learn sometime. Take a breather. They aren't as breakable as they seem. Also know that it hurts/scares us moms about 110x more than it does for them :)
Ahhh the stress! My Charlie fell and put his teeth through his lip three times last week. Blood everywhere. It's a full time job just keeping them safe, right?
Do you have, or can you get, a playpen? We have one, and sure it looks like a cage, but it does give you the time to brush your hair/cook some dinner/whatever without him getting hurt in the meanwhile. Charlie cries sometimes when I put him in it, but as soon as he realises I'm serious and I'm not going to take him out, he plays with his toys for a good half hour. It's worth a try!
The playpen sounds like a good idea, but what about those baby fences you can set up where you want. He might hate both of these, especially if he has had free roam...
Anyway, yes, I think it is worth 2 seconds of thought to consider the behavior you are reinforcing if you say no and then yes. Pick your battles, set boundaries and he'll be fine. Remember at first (if you suddenly change, behavior will escalate). I have to say Grant was becoming quite the handfull in May. I will leave out the details, but I realize we were changing his behavior and now it's Sept and he is already a different boy. The behaviors have died because he realized screaming and crying and food strikes were not equally all he wanted in life. Honestly, I don't know what we were denying him from, but there was a change. People don't like change. They want what they want. You deserve to brush your hair and that might mean the next few days he will be a hot mess until you finish. When he stops crying, then he can have the brush.
Love your posts. Keep writing. Sorry for the advice. I hope it doesn't annoy you. I am learning too! And I am SO sorry to you and Dax for the face plant. It looks horrible. I want to bubble wrap the world too.
I didnt realise but our home is a death trap to .. My little boy is 4 month so he doesn't move around yet, but we had our friends and her 1 year old stay and OMG he gets eveywhere and probably hurt himself at least once a day!!
x x x
OMG what a great blog, Darc so true i can really relate of course, to the Neurosis- panic attacks, guilt, etc etc having a child sure changes the way we see life. now i want to see the movie Babies. along with all this is the wonderful joy he brings you and you bring him. (I know you know all that) you r the best mommy he will love this reading this someday when he's feeling guilty about his baby injury love u all nonnie
MM: it. Yes, I have seen Babies, it is so reveletory right? I always think of the mongolian baby when I think about my cats :-) I'm like--that kid was fine and see what he put his cat through!
mwa: oh no! poor Charlie! those teeth ones are the worst. trust me, i've broken my face a few times and my biggest fear as that my little guy will too :-(
We have a playpen and now he screams bloody murder if i put him in it. he hates any type of restraint at this time. we've babyproofed pretty good some areas so he can roam around and its definitely gotten easier since i wrote this. phew....
mom (E): you are so right about the brush thing. We have really been trying to watch it, especially when he whines. We don't want to reinforce the whining. We just had a talk about this the other day actually, so it's funny you mentioned this. It's weird how quickly you gotta think about this stuff!
your thoughts do not annoy me at all. ur family so you get a free pass :-) PLUS putting it out on the blog i think just gives all my readers free reign :-)
kelly: right??!!!!!! i wish i could rewind time and get a new rental hehehe....
gggg: thanks :-) and you should see Babies, it is sooooo cute, i'll watch it with you for the second time!
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