Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This One Might Be Broken

So our travels to the cold country went without a hitch. We decided not to traverse by car to North Dakota to save ourselves the infant car ride. I am glad we did not, although I am itching to see my grandmother.

However, I came to an icky conclusion while there. Which is only amplified by today--my first day back on the job as a stay-at-home mom. Help me! Here's the sitch...

So Dave, my husband, was of course there. And have I mentioned what an awesome Dad he is? I mean, I knew he would be, but he's better than I even thought before. He's so attentive and caring and cute with him. He walks him and rocks him and hums to him. He brings him to bed for me to nurse him in the wee hours of the night without me asking. He says to me, "Can I get you anything?" Words that make me wanna wrap my legs around his torso and hug him with my whole body.

But Dave works a lot. Like a ton. I once wrote a post about it here. Which translates into some very long days for me. However, over the holidays, we got like five whole days together. And I came to this very ugh-worthy conclusion: Dax goes to sleep much easier for Dave. Like it takes five minutes of walking and he's out like a light.

I am so annoyed by this conclusion. Firstlies, I don't have the magic hubby touch all day. It takes me walking, strolling, bouncing, nursing, swaddling, white noise--you name it--just to get Dax to sleep. And if I'm not holding him, he sleeps like 45 minutes. If I'm holding him, we can get a good 3 hours in the day. But you can imagine what that does to your to-do list.

I guess I didn't mind doing all that, but now that I saw Dave just turn Dax off like a switch, I'm left feeling like this could all be easier. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm thinking Dax can smell my milk or something and it sends him into a frenzy. I promise you, I've done exactly what my hubby does and I get results no where near that.

Secondly, at night, my guy is regularly hitting three hour stretches, but no more than that. I just read on babycenter.com on this quiz that like 60 thousand people took, that 91 percent of those parent's babies were sleeping five hour stretches regularly by three months. WTF? Dax is nowhere near this...is this survey really true???

I'm tired. Like sometimes exhausted. What were your experiences with your babies at this age of three months? Did they sleep through the night? Is mine broken? Did your hubby's have better luck than you breast-feeding mommies???


Gina Kleinworth said...

So love this picture. Makes my arms ache for another little one to cuddle. He is absolutely adorable. Thanks for stopping by today & I am glad you found another hop through me. It's so much fun!

Bethany said...

Oh my Gosh he is gorgeous!!!!! I haven't been here in a bit and I had to catch my breath when I saw your header. Wow. Sweet boy.

I have no answers as I'm not a mom. But gosh that all sounds totally EXHAUSTING, and no wonder you're aggravated. Hope he starts sleeping longer. Sounds like you're doing everything right. He just wants to be awake when he's with you because you dazzle him so much!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely an adorable picture!
Love it!

erica said...

Darcy, bad news...we still have sleepless nights. He's 3.5. When they say kiss your sleeping good-bye, we all meant it. It's hard to wrap your head around how hard this mommy thing is until you are there. You guys are so normal :) Some people are lucky with the sleeping thing. I was not. I have to remember when he is sick, that this is all it is and that he will go back to sleeping thru the night. But, damn on those nights he doesn't...I try not too loose my cool. I try to enjoy the fact that he's excited to be up and wants to play with me. It helps, not much. I don't remember 3 months precisely. I do remember the first 2-3 months being some of the hardest mommy moments to date. It's a big part of why I do not ache for an infant. I did not like sitting on the couch for hours on end just so he would sleep. Of course, today that would NEVER happen. So just try to enjoy these phases if you can. They will come and they will go quickly. There are new things to look forward too and then there will be a day where you will remember fondly of sitting on the couch for hours and loving every minute of it. Just stay positive and don't feel guilty when you get a chance to be baby-free. I hope that Dave can ease up on his work load for you and Dax, but if not, I know you can do this! Call me anytime you want to talk.

Darcy said...

thx erica! ugh, no end in sight!?
wtf with that survey? everyone must b lying or we
're in the minority....i just dont believe that many people have sleeping babies!

spare a girl some clicks?

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