I have to admit, as a fairly newbie blogger myself, i go to all these sites and see the awards wallpapering the sidelines and wondering, "hmmm....woes me, when will little ol' me get an award?" But alas, I wait no more!
Then, of course, reality sinks in. I kind of have homework now. Terms: To accept, you post with the award and link. Then, you link to approximately 15 new blogs you've found and enjoyed. Last, you notify your lovely blog buddies. Riding on my blog award high, I'm gunna be diligent and just get to it...
Note: I'm really going to take that "approximately" to heart and go with 7 tags. Because I'm kind of a slacker (and I truly don't know if I could genuinely list 15 new blogs i've found).
1. I'm going to just re-tag Carissa at the lovely dove because she is a newer blog I found that I really do enjoy. She's got the cutest colorful blog. Lots of great fashion and photos. She loves Etsy stuff, so she's posts all sorts of eye candy. Also: her giveaways are bomb.
2. Phoenix at Res ipsa loquitor. Because she's honest and open and she just seems like someone who if I met her in three-dimensional life, she'd be a great friend with exceptional conversation skills.
3. Steph(anie) at Unsweet Mama. She posts great music and also sometimes when she's feeling it, she writes real raw true thoughts. I dig that.
4. Bethany at Bloom. She's probably the newest newest I've discovered bumbling about the blogosphere. And she's delightful. She writes about gardening in a refreshingly quirky way. Case in point: her last blog was titled "hairy balls" but was really about some kind of plant. She is also artsy and writes about her life thoughtfully.
5. Lena from Bits on the Nippy Side. Because she's so feisty! And she swears. I tend to like swear words in blogs.
6. Laura from Piece of Cake. Such a beautiful blog! The pictures are divine, the words are poetry, and to top it off, she makes the best looking cakes EVER.
7. Perhaps you guys have some suggestions of other new blogs I might dig. Tell me your FAVE! Five of my faves that I've been reading for awhile are in my blog's righthand panel. Check them out, I really really really like them! (I realize this isn't really a tag).
O.k., donesies. To all the ones I've tagged, feel free to follow in my slacker footsteps and do five. That way, I kind of look like an overachiever, because, look at you, you only did five.
SOOOOO.....in other "can't fit my head through the door" news, I sold two paintings on Etsy this weekend!!! omg omg omg omg omg omg....
I posted three paintings a few weeks ago in my new Etsy shop. I didn't tell you. I know. I was afraid. And I'm still afraid to tell you, because now, I only have one painting there and it's not my fave fave. So I'm going to put more up and then I'm going to link it. Eventually. I promise.
I've never sold my art, only given it away. I've never taken it seriously, just kind of did it for fun. But per my New Year's resolutions and part of my blog's very purpose, I put myself out there. And WHAM! sold sold sold! Two pieces!!! Turned my world upside-down, so excited!
I better get to painting! Perhaps my life-long dream of manning my very own booth at an art fair will come true :-)